I'm always looking for ideas of what to write on these pages...Mostly it is a journal of sorts, day to day mundane, occasionally exciting, sometimes sad, mostly trying to look on the bright side...Sharing stories of my childhood, my family and friends...Other times I get on my soapbox and vent, but not very often...Today on this gloomy, cloudy, foggy day, January 3 2024, I will post an intro to the story of my Moms life, that I started writing in about 2013.
I had never really written anything until sometime in the early 90's when I got my first computer...Off and on for many years before, I would start a diary (journal) but that never lasted more than a month...My hand writing was sloppy, my spelling atrocious (I've improved a bit with spell check) grammar and punctuation non existent...Writing skills were not a priority in my education.
In the early 90's, I got my first computer and started using the word processor to write a few things...It didn't take me long to see that writing, for me, was much easier on the computer than with pencil and paper...I could easily check spelling, move sentences around, copy and paste, it was a whole new world...So thankful that I suffered through 2 years of typing in high school...I learned the keyboard but never got very fast and wore out the paper erasing my mistakes...Carbon copies were beyond me.
I wrote my first story, "Angleworms and Earwigs" in the early 2000's, sent it into the LaGrande Observer and they evidently, hard pressed to fill a space, printed it on the back page...I was elated.
From there I joined a small write group, for 10 years, spent 3 years writing essays and sending them via email to be critiqued by a "writing teacher," who was also a published author...It is because of her that I have a finished story about both Mom and Daddy.
I've written about my years in a one room school house, about my life on a small farm in Lake Fork, Idaho...I've written about my parents lives, through my eyes, and in my words...These are written as "creative non fiction," meaning that many of the scenes are imagined, since I only have the stories that my Mom told me and my interpretation of these stories and my imagination, since I wasn't born yet! Hugs To All...OWAV:)
PS...You may not agree with what I have written and that is okay, just remember it is my story and I've taken the time to write it, bad spelling, grammar and punctuation included.
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