Sunday, May 26, 2024

Spring days/weather...40º sun in the forecast.

I'm really out of the writing groove, it is always hard to start again, so i'll try to do some catching up.

Rusty works at keeping up with both places, spring cleanup, weed abatement, lawn mowing, replacing a water heater at his house and rebuilding a fence so we can have the llamas on Barton Heights, cleaning out the irrigation ditch so if we ever get the garden planted, we will have water...My goal was to have the potatoes planted by mid-May, that didn't happen, first of June is more likely...I got the crud and spent several days, in the house, coughing, sneezing, trying to breath, eating chicken soup and drinking copious amounts of  watered down juice!..I haven't been sick for so long that I didn't know how to do it!!!  Rusty would probably say that I managed it quite well!

I'm on the mend, Rusty is spending a few days in Central Oregon with friends and it has been cold, rainy, windy miserable weather here on Barton Heights...Sunny today, maybe I can at least deadhead some daffodils and go for a walk around the track, start building my steps up again.

Pam and I took advantage of the crappy weather, did a couple of roadtrips our into our beautiful forested county, looked for mushrooms, (notice I didn't say we found any) and reminisced about years of wood gathering, huckleberry picking and other adventures.

The election is over, Judge Wes Williams was soundly defeated by Jared Boyd, which surprised a lot of people but gives new hope to our county court system...That's enough blathering for today, Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Peaceful waters

And Again

Ominous Skies

My favorite

After the storm.


  1. someone must have listened to you =) bob

  2. Thankful that they listened..The previous judges that spoke up, made an impact,
