Have scrabble games caught up, coffee refilled and heated. Ready to write. We had strong gusty winds yesterday afternoon, lasting into the night. Really shook the house at times. Won't know until it gets light, if anything has blown over, away or down. The wind has stopped now.
I'm reading the book "Olive Kitteridge". This is my third attempt. On the cover it has the sticker, "Winner of the Pulitzer Prize". The first time I started reading it, after the first chapter ended and the second started with different characters, I thought it was a bunch of disconnected short stories that had vague or unfinished endings. So I took it back to the library. I wanted a book with a beginning, middle, and an end, hope-fully one that tied up all the loose ends and made sense. I started it a second time, when it was mentioned at my book group. I found out that it is indeed a story of a town, and the people who live there, with the main character woven in and out of the story, in various chapters. I either got busy, or bogged down again in the middle of it, and back to the library it went. Last fall, friend LeaAnn Hughes included it in the sack of books she sent home with me. I dug it out last week, and am now over halfway through it and most of the time it is making sense, and parts of it are quite funny. The writing is descriptive and it is easy to imagine oneself as a part of the story. Sometimes I'm the bi-polar school teacher, other times the waif of a new bride, but never the alcoholic, piano player at the local bar. (I never did learn to play the piano.) I will finish this book.
While I'm on the subject of books, tonight is the grand finale of the "Big Read". We have been reading "Tom Sawyer" and other books, by Mark Twain. After a dinner of fried catfish, with potluck furnished by the community, we will be entertained by a Mark Twain impersonator. I read Tom Sawyer, tried for the second time to read Huck Finn. But found myself wading the Mississippi River too many times, and gave up! I enjoy the big read but more and more I realize I will never be a "literary" reader. My mind just doesn't do it. So I will try to read some of those books, but I will read for my own enjoyment.
The light is dawning, better check and see if everything is still standing. OWAV:)
looks good!