Wednesday, February 23, 2011

OWAV:) 02/23/11, 7am, 45°, Sunny

Poolside with Mona & Jerry
Slept later than usual,  although we were in bed at an early hour.  We had a busy day yesterday,  getting ready for a visit with Mona and Jerry.  They arrived about 11am, bringing us tree ripened grapefruits and lemons.  We take them on a tour of the grounds here at the condo and relax pool side, soaking up the sun and catch up on our visiting.  It is hot in the direct sun but cools right off if you move into the shade.

Hot air balloon, Idella & Mona
We find a nice sunny spot for our dinner, where Herb can BBQ the steaks and we bring the other food from the condo to the outdoor table.  Dinner always tastes better when shared with others and we have few leftovers when we finish.  Later as we have applesauce cake for dessert on our patio, we are entertained with a hot air balloon launch nearby.  With camera's in hand we walk closer to get a better view.  The balloons, all six of them, finally full of people, are launched and sail away toward the nearby hills.  A nice ending to an enjoyable day.  With hugs all around Mona and Jerry head back across town for one last night with Jerry's stepmother before starting their journey back to Salt Lake City.

I take the laptop and head for the lobby where I catch up on email, scrabble games, and check the weather back home.  Joseph is again under a weather watch with more snow on the way.  Wonder about our roof???
Haven't decided for sure what we are doing today, either going north to Carefree and check out the thrift shops, or south to wander around the Cabella's store.  What to do for dinner???  OWAV:) 


  1. Cool waterslide? Have you been on it yet?

  2. Of Course, You can imagine the splash Mona and I made!!
