Tuesday, May 10, 2011

OWAV:)...05/10/11...4:30am...41°...Partly Cloudy

Procrastinating this morning...did the scrabble games...killed a few pigs and finished my coffee...Sun is trying to peak through and I must get moving as write group meets here at 10am this morning...

Yesterday was another cold, nasty day...left the light on nearly all day in the green house...  I started prepping food for today's lunch, chopped celery and onions, then decided to experiment with a new dessert...after dirtying every bowl in the house (slight exaggeration) I came up with a "Lemon Fluff" that was supposed to be kind of a cheesecake...It has a pretzel crust and the filling is made up of cream cheese, freshly made lemon pudding, whipped cream, jello...Sounded good in my mind...Not what I had envisioned at all in the 9 x 12 pan...one layer didn't set up...crust is soggy...taste is off...I was hoping to find something to take the place of lemon meringue pie without so much work and so many dirty dishes...didn't work...more dirty dishes and a huge dessert that at its best is practically inedible...Damn,Damn,DAMN!!!

Memoir class last night went well, seven in attendance...My "Dumpster Diving Mama" got lots of laughs and lightened up an evening that had been quite serious until then...Since I hadn't taken the first session, I didn't follow the prompts entirely...Katey said that as a Vignette it could certainly stand by itself...that is fine with me!!  One prompt for next week is "Oh I had forgotten about that, I wonder what happened to So and So? "  Nothing has popped into my mind yet...maybe tomorrow...

Sun is hitting Ruby Peak...time to make my move...May the sun shine on your world today...  OWAV:)

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