I was so hoping for another sunny day...
Yesterday was so gorgeous and I did accomplish some things...Got back home about noon after stuffing envelopes at Fishtrap and going to the grocery store for a few things...I repotted bedding plants that were bought in LaGrande...It was so warm on the deck I kept thinking it would be nice if the trees were leafed out to give me a little shade...worked for about three hours...trimmed the root bound starts...put them in larger containers with new potting soil... Also trimmed off all of the blooms so they will develop a wider root system and put up more shoots...Planted the fiber pots that go on the old cream separator and put them in the greenhouse along with the other starts...I will have to go to Alder Slope Nursery this afternoon and get Lobelia and Alyssum to finish filling them...also some red geraniums for the front porch.
I think we have used up all of the leftovers so will have to think of something for dinner, it will be another warming meal, since the weather is cloudy...I still have to come up with a gift for tonight...maybe something from Alder Slope...probably too lazy to make anything and cellar shelves are getting kind of bare...
Plumbers came yesterday and snaked the sewer that has been giving us problems since February...he pushed something on through, only hope it doesn't block the end where it goes into the city line...time will tell...can't imagine what would have blocked it...Herb said nothing came back on the snake, like tree roots...?...they were supposed to run a thing down that took pictures, but it is in Boise getting repaired...
Meeting Pat tomorrow, so we can work on our memoir assignment...should be fun...think we are having something chocolate...I did suggest we meet at my house for a less distracting venue...Must go...Shower time for me...maybe the sun will break through...OWAV:)
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