Up early this morning to find Cienna asleep on the sofa, she must have wandered downstairs last night and stayed...The dogs were antsy to go outside and explore all of last nights deer tracks... Soon Ci will be awake and dragging me out the door for our morning walk...On today's agenda is lunch at the Rimrock (cafe north of Enterprise) with the write group...It is a birthday celebration so should be a fun outing.
Yesterday we made 18-1/2 pints of our special rhubarb/maraschino cherry jam...I first tasted this jam at age 14...It was made by Aunt Carrie and she left the cherries whole and I loved maraschino cherries...She always had it along with toast whenever we visited her and Uncle Harold...I never got her recipe so just made up my own, and it has become a family favorite...The second batch stayed soft so we had it over our ice cream last night... YUMMY!!!
For dinner yesterday we had homemade noodles and turkey...Ci mixed and rolled all of the noodles (with just a little help) and left them to dry on the cutting board, while I boned the turkey and heated broth and made coleslaw from our garden cabbage...After dinner I cleaned more garlic, then Ci helped me make garlic braids (using plastic zip ties)... She gathered lavender and oregano flowers for decorations...She is good at helping me arrange everything...We added some raffia bows and now have gifts for everyones birthday today... These braids are fun to make and more fun to give away.
We chatted with both Rusty and Bobi during the day, played Angry Birds and Scrabble...Ci is reading, but seems her book is very slow and she is struggling to stay with it...Also she has been wearing her birthday present from Uncle Rusty and wondering if she is learning how to walk all over again...For several years now she has envied his wooden clogs that he buys in Austria...Now she has a pair of her own and we have renamed her "Clod Hopper Sue".
It has only taken me an hour and a half to get photos in and blog written...Whew!..Now we must walk, have breakfast and get moving....Hugs to all~OWAV:)
Nice shoes! She'll be the envy or 8th grade. The "braids" are nice too. bob