Monday, August 8, 2011


Barton Heights Sunset
Looks like we have a week of sunshine to look forward to...with temps in the high eighties.. That means we will be watering nonstop, keeping everything green and growing...It is so nice to have our two small electric pumps connected to a 2 inch siphon out of the irrigation ditch...don't have to use expensive chlorinated water from the city supply... We have our hoses set up so moving hoses is kept to a minimum...The main problem for me is this time of year my flower gardens are so packed with greenery and blooms that it is difficult to get the water on the roots...By deadheading and cutting back I make it work.

Will spend the next two days getting ready for our "We 3" writing group...We are meeting here on Barton Heights so I'm cleaning house, tending gardens and fixing lunch...Should be able to eat and talk on the deck...Also have to work on my essay, highlighting parts that Pat and Amy can help me with...I'm looking forward to a fun afternoon.

 15 year old, Nuisance the finicky cat
Will make a quick trip to Soroptomists and Safeway this morning, then back home and get busy...Stay away from the scrabble games or speed through them and keep focused on cleaning!

I spent a lazy day yesterday, sitting on the deck, reading mostly...I'm rereading "Burning Fence", Craig Lesley's" memoir...Hoping some of his good writing will rub off on me, IF, I pay attention to his writing...I tend to focus on what is going to happen next in the story.

Thanks to all my readers for reading and/or comments...Keeps me writing...Enjoy your summer day...Hugs to all~OWAV:)

1 comment:

  1. I love Craig Lesley...but haven't read his memoir...will have to look for it at library today...I am rereading Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons....I don't often reread anything but this is an easy read...have fun with your writing cohorts...
