I love being busy, but sometimes it feels like a Merry Go Round--Roller Coaster--Ferris Wheel all rolled into one...The first is gentle, with a little up and down, a wave here and there as the world goes by, then the Roller Coaster takes over and I'm plummeting toward earth at high speed, hanging on for dear life...Then a little curve and I slow, going up an incline...Here I catch my breath as the Ferris Wheel effect lets me soar above the clouds and bask in the rewards of a life in perpetual motion...For the next week I seem to be in free-fall, dreading the crash as I hit bottom, but surely it will be a trampoline landing and I will spring to my feet again to start another week, back on the Merry Go Round.
Don't ask me where this came from or what it is all about, something to do with similes and metaphors that Katey keeps telling me I have to develop...I don't get it!
Pat and Amy will help me today as "We 3" meet for lunch and discussion...but first I have to work in the flowerbeds...Tomorrow Pat and I are joining others for a trip to John Day and the Wah Chung Museum, and learn more about the thousands of Chinese laborers who came to this part of the West when gold was discovered and railroads were being built... Next week lunch for Ruth as we wish her well as she moves into her motor home and heads south...Then a trip to Walla Walla for Pat's visit to the periodontist---I'm hanging on AGAIN!...OWAV:)
So glad you are finally able to ride without throwing up!!!!!!! Let me know when the tilt-a-whirl starts so I can get out of the way. =)