Saturday, October 8, 2011

Yard Sale...36º--60º

Last yard sale of the year...This time instead of a shopper I'm a helper...My friend Ruth has bought a motor home, is selling most of her belongings, rented her house with the hope of selling it and is going south...She will be nearer family and can come back to Wallowa County and spend time here in the summer...She is an adventurer and home is where ever she happens to be.

I've always liked yard sales except for the early birds...Most of the time they are dealers, looking to skim off the best buys before others get there...I arrived at Ruth's yesterday at 7:30am, sale starting at 8am...Cars are already parked in her driveway...Everything is inside, so all the doors are still closed, I go in the front door and we finish marking items...  close closet doors posted with STAY OUT signs...Now people are lined up at the front door...we wait for the clock to tick down and Ruth opens the door...In they come like a stampede of cattle...People really are crazy!!!

I work steady for the next two hours, outside and in the garage, where most everything is... We sell a lot of stuff, people get bargains, the free stuff is almost gone...The main crowd has come and gone, now just a few people at a time, they browse, maybe buy, all in a more leisurely manner...Ruth brings out coffee and cookies for the crew...I leave about noon, with the promise of returning on Saturday for the first two hours.

Apple pie
At home I start dinner... Squash, chicken thighs in the oven...Herb brings in apples from the tree in our yard...This tree was here when we moved into this house in 1973...I peel and slice apples and made pie crust...When dinner is cooked the pie goes into the oven and later apple pie ala mode is dessert...Gravenstein apples fresh off the tree make the best apple pie ever...~OWAV:)

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