Monday, December 19, 2011

Book Group today...28º...35º

Have lost track of the years that I've belonged to book group...A loosely organized group that is open to all people...We attract many newcomers as it is a good way for people to get aquainted in the county...You can come, book in hand for a lively discussion...We are free to give our opinions, no one gets angry or hurt by the comments...It is always interesting to hear the comments, when some people "Loved" the book and the next person didn't like anything about it, didn't even finish it!..We read a broad range of books, fiction, non fiction and depending on the time of year, winter is usually for more serious or deeper books and summers we enjoy lighter fare, easy to pick up and put down...Today is more social than literary as we share a short Christmas story or poem, if we wish, and a potluck dish for our annual brunch...It used to be a cookie exchange but was decided we didn't need more sweets at this time of year...We will share breakfast casseroles, breads and fruit, along with memories and laughter with friends, old and new...Two of the favorite Christmas stories we have read in the past are "A Christmas Memory" by Truman Capote and "Stubby Pringles Christmas" by Jack Schaefer.

January brings the reading of Amy Tan's "Joy Luck Club" our Big Read book of the year...January and February in Wallowa County will be filled with events surrounding this book...From the kick off to the grand finale, guest speakers will arrive, movies are shown, books written by Amy Tan and other books about Chinese culture will be read...Cooking classes (dumplings) and game nights (chess and mahjong) will be offered...All three county schools will take part...I think this is the seventh year our county has participated in the big read, an excellent way to pass the winter months...  OWAV:)))

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