Sunday, May 27, 2012


Late Friday afternoon, Dusty the bathroom carpenter, that will be doing our bathroom remodel stopped by to check our choices of tile...He seemed to think that all are good but suggested we might want to look for a trim in porcelain or ceramic instead of the real stone we had chosen...Although he loves working with real stone, he explained that it requires a bit more upkeep...Not what I want...Seemed like a simple task as we could go 6 miles to the local store "Carpet 1", make a different choice, and as luck would have it, a new sale in Friday nights paper advertised my favorite brand of toilet paper on sale at the "Safeway" store also only 6 miles away...Voilà...I hate driving to Enterprise for only one thing so this made the trip worthwhile.

We arrived at Carpet 1 to find a sign in their window, CLOSED, giving their employees a long holiday weekend...Okay, I understand long weekends and I could still go to Safeway...I pick up milk and cream along with the TP and go through the checkout, TP doesn't ring up with the extra discounted sale price...After much frustration on both my part and the checker we read the small print and figured out that the sale doesn't start until SUNDAY...By that time I was ready to SCREAM!..I leave the cart, exit the store muttering $%@# under my breath!

I arrived back home in time for a walk with Pat and she greeted me with, "You look really stressed." So we walk, I rant and rave until finally I've gotten it our of my system, calm down and we finish our walk, stop by the Farmers Market, visit with friends and climb the last hill on Barton Heights to my house...Now sweaty and tired but refreshed and laughing as usual at the end of a walk...I suppose I will make the trip today, buy the TP at its supper sale price and try not to think about the price of gasoline....Hugs to All....  OWAV:)

A bucket of flowers from my garden.

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