Friday, May 25, 2012

Rainy Day....40º

Yesterday found me, swifter in hand, dusting the nook upstairs where my sewing machine and printer reside...Pat was coming to sew and I needed to change ink cartridges...So she sewed and we visited...Then took a walk before we met at "Carpet One" in Enterprise to look at tile samples for our ongoing project of a bathroom remodel...Pat has remodeled two bathrooms in the past year so I'm using her expertise...This kind of stuff leaves my mind in a boggle.

Fixed a quick dinner of pork chops and spent the rest of the afternoon preparing a treasurers report for sorority, doing scrabble, and last night attended the regular meeting with my sorority sisters.

Which brings me to this rainy morning...The kind of day when I'm again looking for jobs inside the house that include baking to warm the kitchen and recreate the fragrant smells of childhood...Since we have ground beef thawed in the refrigerator, hamburgers are on the menu...I've made HB buns before but never been truly satisfied with them...Soooo, in perusing a new cookbook (I haven't bought this book yet, but am reading recipes from her blog and website) by local author Lynn Curry, "Pure Beef" I'm going to try her recipe for HB buns...Depending on the outcome of the buns, I may buy the book...

Ahhhh, another cookbook to add to my collection....Most cookbooks I bring home, read them as if they were the latest novel on the best seller list, then they join the other cookbooks to gather dust and occasionally I pull one out and try a new recipe or reread the book or maybe just look at the pictures...Cookbooks are one of my joys!

Enough drivel for one day, I must get moving, the kitchen is calling me... Hugs to All.....  OWAV:)

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