Mona and Jerry will arrive in two days....I have myself on sort of a schedule for cleaning our bedroom, where they will sleep....Yesterday I sorted the closet, now I have 3 bags full of clothes, a few shoes, 1 bag of yarn (very old synthetic yarn) to donate to Soroptomists and 1 small bag of Bobi's clothes (YES, you read that right) I wonder if Cienna will be dressing up for a 70's day anytime soon or if they should go to Sorop?????...Now the closet is looking pretty empty and I have room for??...Soooooo on the list for today is to sort the "stuff" and my armoire, putting everything neatly away...Then on to straighten the bookcase, sort the new yarn and the old felted sweaters and my unfinished knitting projects...Aha!..Maybe there is room for these projects in the newly cleaned closet?..By tomorrow I should be able to clean out from under the bed and with Herb's help vacuum the room and have it ready for occupancy on Friday night....Herb will see that they have clean line-dried sheets and a down comforter for their slumber...Not a 5 star hotel but close, because the food at this establishment is darn good...Since that is probably more than you wanted to know I will end the blather and get moving.
Today we also have a lamb to cut up, wrap and get in the freezer, as well as clean up the rest of the house, pick the apples, and tomorrow, wash the windows and make an apple pie....Ooops, there I go with the blathering again...Hugs to all....OWAV:)
What clothes of mine do you still have?????