Monday, September 17, 2012

Morning Sunshine....46º

Another lovely Sunday in Wallowa County...Mona and I sliced and diced in the kitchen getting peppers ready to roast and freeze...I plan on using them when I start pressure canning later this winter...My sourdough was working well so I took a chance and started a batch of bread...It felt good after it was mixed and with help from the sunshine it rose above the pans, browned beautifully in the oven and tasted so good, warm slices for our dinner...We had BBQ'd lamb chops, fresh green beans, gorgonzola stuffed "HOT" jalapeño peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and corn on the cob...Mona keeps saying if the food runs out she is going home...The guys kept mentioning that another apple pie a la mode would taste really good...Maybe today?

During the day we enjoyed a short walk, conversation on the deck, laughter, good company and food...Spent an hour or so on the front porch, visiting with Pam and watching to see if the bear might saunter by...(Not today) A few hands of "Gramma's game finished the evening and today we have another beautiful sun filled day in the making...What more could anyone ask for?..Hugs to All...OWAV:)

1 comment:

  1. I could only wish that I was there with you guys...hugs to all
