The best thing about having wind in Joseph is that it keeps the temperatures up and the sun usually peeks through later in the day....Rusty is home from the river for a few days before returning to Bend.
In McCall where I grew up the wind usually brought a snowstorm that lasted for days, plugged the roads making it impossible to leave our house except with the bob sleigh...Daddy had a team of "work horses" named Bert (girl) and Dick (boy) to pull the sleigh...School in our one-room school house was seldom canceled because the teacher lived in a small cottage adjacent to the school...On days when the roads were closed kids could ski or snowshoe to school, ride a horse or like us ride on the bobsled...I loved this form of transportation...During the long winters in Lake Fork we used the team and bobsled twice a day for feeding our cattle...Daddy would harness Bert and Dick, hitch them to the sled and load it with bales of hay and off we would go...Daddy had a favorite spot for feeding...A tree sheltered clearing made the perfect spot keeping the cattle out of the wind to feed and then the trees close by when they bedded down for the night...On trips to school, straw bales were used for seating and blankets covered us for the two mile ride...Every year in December Daddy, Mona and I went on the bobsled hunting for a Christmas tree...The tree had to be 7 feet tall with evenly spaced branches and we usually came home with more than one so Mom could choose...I remember how the harnesses jingled and steam rising from the horses backs as they trotted out of the barnyard...After the storm was over, roads newly plowed, Daddy would take us sledding or hooky bobbing behind the bobsled...Oh what fun!..Hugs To All...OWAV:) PS....Sorry to be late our internet has been out most of the day.
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