Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sunrise, sunshine, Sun...35º

Oh Happy Day...Flowers blooming, sun shining and wood gathering all in one...I finished my list yesterday except for bread making (put it off until Friday) but I added cookie making to yesterday morning...Haven't made cookies for months and it just seemed like the thing to do...Herb likes oatmeal cookies with lots of craisins, raisins and spices added, so I started with them...As they were baking I mixed up a batch of chocolate chip cookies and added oatmeal and peanut butter for a different taste...Made enough to share and some to freeze.

Met Pat at Arrowhead, where we sipped mocha's, talked, laughed and tried not to be too obnoxious to the people around us and we had lots to talk about....It was a fairly quiet day for them...Bruce came out to visit with us twice, bouncing his new ideas off of us...His mind is alway working.

At home I finished up the cookie baking, mixed up a meatloaf for our dinner, sat on the deck, read and played computer games until the sun went behind Chief Joseph Mountain...We have leftovers for dinner today so I will get busy with the normal routine of picking up before we get on our grubby clothes and go to the wood deck...Hugs To All...Enjoy Spring!...OWAV:)

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