Yesterday morning with the sun partially hidden by clouds I snapped away trying to get a photo of the front of our house/yard with flowers blooming...In the past two days buds have opened to full fledged blooms everywhere I looked... Daffodils are the most predominate but the forsythia, bush apricot and "real" apricot have also come into full flowering mode...I'm always in awe of this sight and my photo's don't do it justice...But here are a few to give you a glimpse...Also we have tulips blooming...For some reason the deer have decided to eat elsewhere this spring.
It was warm enough in the morning to work outside so I tackled more weeds in the garden, added 4X4 boards at the edges to keep the soil where it belongs...Planted a row of mixed greens, lettuce, spinach, cilantro, parsley and chard.
In the afternoon I fixed oven fried chicken with a pan of roasted potatoes, onions and squash along with a lemon pudding cake...We invited Pam, Becky and John to dinner...Another good day...Hugs to All...OWAV:)
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