Friday, May 3, 2013

Balmy, Cloudy...40º

One of those 4am mornings...Now the sun is up and covered with clouds...I've spent the morning doing scrabble games via the internet from as far away as Germany (friends on a long ship Viking Cruise day 7) and as close as LaGrande and Portland...Also enjoying the photo's coming from the "cruise" of castles, gardens and mountain scenery...Also I've been playing with my iPhone entering and organizing  contacts...My sim card is in the mail...(More about all of this later).

Yesterday was a perfect spring day spent outside in the garden and flowerbeds...Doesn't get much better...This morning Herb and neighbor Joel will be walking and cleaning our Barton Heights irrigation ditch in preparation to turn in the water coming from Wallowa Lake...Our Cove ditch is the  only ditch remaining in the city of Joseph...Others have all been filled in and abandoned...We love using this "cheap" unchlorinated water for our summer irrigation...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Below a couple of photo's from the Viking Cruise.

Pat with the long ship in the background

A scenic photo along the way

1 comment:

  1. Do I need to be available to walk you through the sim card installation today or tomorrow?
