A busy day yesterday with write people and an acupuncture appointment to follow...I knew I had to take care of the chicken broth from the day before and really didn't want to bag and freeze it so instead I made more work for myself and decided to make soup for our write people meeting...We have been going to a cafe for lunch most weeks and I for one soon tire of even the best restaurant fare.
What goes with chicken broth, noodles of course...I put flour in a mixing bowl, grabbed a pinch of salt, stirred, made a well...Broke in 3 eggs with dark yellow yolks and stirred adding more flour as needed...I like a soft noodle so I dumped the gooey dough onto my marble slab and gently kneaded in more flour...Divided the dough in half and on a heavily floured surface I started rolling the dough...The secret here is to keep adding flour (lots of flour) to both top and bottom, flipping the dough as you roll it into a large misshapen round...I fold this round, still adding flour, making a "cylinder"... Then with my bench knife I cut across the cylinder to make fat or skinny noodles and to make short noodle pieces I cut across these pieces, with the bench knife...I separate these as quickly as possible and drop them into the boiling broth...I chopped onion, celery and added to the mix...A quart of home canned soup veggies (carrots, corn, green beans, ) was added after the noodles cooked for about 15 minutes...Now I have a gallon of soup, a loaf of frozen sourdough bread and a quart of pickles...LUNCH...Hugs To All...OWAV:)
Below are two different kinds of bench knives, one of the handiest tools in my kitchen...I have both kinds.
PS....While I was off galivanting Herb finished hosing off the deck and vacuumed the living room/kitchen...What a guy!!!!
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