Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Fire time...46º

The promise of rain materialized, thunder showers turned into a soaking rain, almost a frog strangler...It rained off and on all night with more rain this morning...This morning Herb was outside dumping the rain water off of the shelter (blue tarp with straw underneath) for the lambs and kids...Now it is time to built a fire in the wood stove for the day, warming the house as we probably won't see Mr. Sunshine...I dug some nasty weeds yesterday and found out just how dry it is in the flowerbeds, both in the yard and across our street...The ground bone dry and hard even though we have been irrigating...We and the Wallowa Valley farmers needed some rain...If only it will know when to stop.

Snapped some photo's of what is blooming in the yard this week so will include a few here and post some on FaceBook...My camera started acting up, ended up with the lens open and in the extended position and won't retract...Googled for an answer but so far nothing has worked...Have to dig out my old camera and hope I can get this one working again...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Dames Rocket

