Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June Celebrations...48º

June has always been a month of celebrations for our family...Three family members with a special day were Herb's Dad, Herb's and Rusty's Birthdays...Many years we had one big celebration as our families shared cakes, candles and gifts...Sometimes now when the miles that separate us grow, we make due with a phone call or FaceTime and a promise of celebration when our family unites...Guess that is why when our family "comes home" it is party time on Barton Heights.

I always say that we got married the day after Herb's birthday so he would always remember our anniversary but that is not quite true...I always wanted a June wedding and the 10th was what worked out best that year...Most years we either have a special dinner at home or go out to eat and count our trips (Cruise, Hawaii etc) as our Anniversary Celebrations...So yesterday we took a drive on the "Loop Road" ending up at "Hells Canyon Overlook" reminiscing about the many trips we took over this windy road that was mostly dirt back in the 70's...We boated on the reservoirs, camped in a tent, swam, water skied and fished...I remember meeting many loaded log trucks on the narrow road...Scary!..We returned to Joseph, drove to Wallowa Lake and had a glass of wine to toast years gone by and more to come, and enjoyed dinner at the Glacier Grill...That was our excitement for this year...Both kids chatted in conveying love and good wishes...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Hells Canyon Overlook

Wild Flowers

Indian Paint Brush

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