I had two things on my schedule yesterday...First the lemon meringue pie that I had promised Herb for his birthday and also I needed to make another batch of sourdough bread for the freezer...Both of these things can make big messes...I started out making a double batch of pie crust, use one crust, and freeze three for later use...Then since I had flour scattered everywhere, I measured ingredients into the bosch mixer, set the timer and let it knead for 10 minutes, while I rolled out the pie crust and set it in the oven to bake...The kitchen sink was soon filled with sudsy water where cuisinart parts, mixer parts and mixing bowls were soaking before going into the dishwasher...Magically Herb appeared from his morning of AGAIN "chasing water" because first we don't have enough water and then we have way too much water...Anyway he soon had all of the parts out of the kitchen sink and into the dishwasher while I cleaned up the back room (where I do all my mixing) and we took a breakfast break.
After 53 years of
wedded bliss arguments, making up, we usually manage to
irritate the hell out of each other work together as a team and get the job done....OH MY.
53 years ago today we were a couple of starry eyed kids ready to take on this thing called marriage, having not the foggiest notion of what we were getting into...We have weathered the storm, managed to raise two
perfect children responsible adults, who come home on a regular basis, still bringing love, joy and laughter to the life of their aging parents...We are totally blessed!..Today will be a quiet day (I think), not sure what we are having for dinner, I'm skipping Write People, but going to Garden Club...Will spend time outside watering and weeding and sitting on the deck reminiscing about that day, so many years ago...Hugs To All...OWAV:)
You've seen our wedding photo many times so below is a picture of Herb and I at the University of Idaho at the annual fall dance, in 1959...I was 17 and he 23...Then 50 years later on an Alaskan Cruise.
Happiest of Anniversaries to you!