Thursday, June 12, 2014


I've spent the last two mornings meandering through the flower beds deadheading spent blooms, pulling weeds and in my mind rearranging plants, filling in bare spots...But in reality, I leave things the way they are knowing that eventually mother nature will do those jobs for me...I spent yesterday morning deep in my own thoughts trying to sort through this enigma of life and death.

My sister Barbara approaches her 86th birthday and is not well...She lives far away so we only connect on the phone...Her voice still sounds strong, but after losing her husband over a year ago and her own failing health, she no longer has the will to live...In my mind she is still vibrant, working in the gardens she loves, planting, watering and weeding...Her sense of humor, bubbling laughter, sparking eyes and love of life and people is how I will always remember her...Yesterday on the phone she told me that her arrangements have been made...A simple graveside service to inter her ashes alongside husband Jim...She doesn't want money spent on flowers, caskets or plane tickets...Just memories of the good times, the happy times when we walked her gardens together, sat near the pond watching birds build their nest and reminiced about days gone by...I will remember her in this spot where she lived for many happy years doing what she loved.

This was also a time to reflect on another life...Jane, my friend and neighbor of 40 years died at Alpine House...Her ninetieth birthday was to be celebrated in July...Jane and I first as neighbors, slowly became friends...She became a dear friend and mentor...I will write more about her at a later date...Now the out-of-doors is calling me...Time for me to rearrange the thoughts in my head so I can put them on paper....Hugs To All...OWAV:)

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