Cienna on her way to security.
Della doing one of her favorite things.
One tray our of six or is it seven?
On Tuesday morning I picked raspberries at Tim and Debbie's house, friends through goats, llama, sheep and loads of wood logs...Debbie and I are always exchanging gardening tips and ideas...She got some of her raspberry starts from us and now that ours aren't producing so well, she shares with us...I also brought home beets and greens, lettuce and zucchini...What a deal!...Sorry no photos. :(
Herb answered the phone last night and low and behold Jeff and Connie needed someone to pick their raspberries...Jeff and Connie friends from way back...They moved here in the 80's with the Forest Service, then transferred to John Day and then back to Wallowa County...We stay in touch and occasionally get together...So last night about 6pm we arrived at their house with "picking buckets" and a bunch of garlic to share with them...J and C were probaby about ready to eat dinner but instead they took us to the raspberry patch and stayed, Jeff helped us pick and we kept up a running conversation about kids and what was happening in our lives...Connie occasionally chimed in as she picked cherries in a nearby tree...An hour or so later we left with raspberries and cherries (a bonus)...As we left I said, "Will give you a call when the apricots are ripe."...Ah friends, what would we do without them?...Hugs To All...OWAV:)
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