You all know the saying, "I would rather take a beating than go to the dentist."..That is how I felt yesterday morning...My first time with a new dentist in over 40 years, it was snowing, looked like it could be slick and I was scheduled not for just one crown prep but two...They were right close to each other so the logic was that we could do two for one...(Not money wise but deadening wise and I would only have to suffer this ordeal once.)The new dentist, a very pleasant man (looks like a teenager) was very glad to see that I made my 8am appointment...Many people had already canceled on this snowy Monday morning because of the nasty flu bug that is going around and also because of the weather...He got right to work and I didn't ever feel the two shots he administered...He and his assistant chatted away about his first baby, born by emergency cesarean, weighed under 5 lbs, was home from the hospital and he and his wife were sleep deprived...Oh great!!! Just what I needed, a 13 year old, sleep deprived dentist working on my 70+ year old teeth!..I was in the chair for 1 1/2 hours, mouth wide open, coming up for brief "okay you may close your mouth now, if you can remember how?"...The guy does seem to have a sense of humor, at my "expense..."
10am I was back home, heat pack on my jaw, none the worse for wear, but I took advil and tylenol just to ward off any pain...I was as lazy as possible for the rest of the day, helped Rusty make finger steaks, salad and the last of the leftover mashed potatoes for dinner, otherwise I played on the computer and finished reading a book...This morning my jaw feels perfectly normal, no soreness at all and the plastic, dummy teeth, that I will wear for a month, look just fine...Guess this new dentist passed the first test...Hugs To All...OWAV:)
Your "jar" may feel fine but how is your jaw? =)