Back in time to January 2011 when I started this blog...I had tried off and on many different times to write a diary or journal but soon grew bored with it and stopped writing...So I really didn't think I would stick with a blog but it seemed to click with me and I found writing on a keyboard much easier than with pen/pencil on paper...It is much easier to correct, rewrite, move sentences or paragraphs with the keyboard...Also I can add photos...My blathering has continued for 4 years now and as I looked at the posts in 1/2011, I find that other than getting older my life hasn't changed much...Because now as then, we are in the middle of a January thaw, the Big Read kicks off on January 8th, our annual winter canning marathon will start this weekend, the Eagle Cap Extreme dog races start the end of the month and day to day life with laundry, cleaning (sorting/filing/taxes etc.) cooking, chatting with kids and friends via the computer, doing scrabble, write people, book group and a new volunteer job as docent at the Josephy Center, is all the same...With the Christmas/New Years holidays at an end we spent time with friends playing cards and sharing food...Most family time with kids was put on hold until next summer when we can enjoy being outside for fun and festivities.
My one flashback will be a Cienna quote when she was staying with us in Joseph...As you all know she is with her host family in Thailand and starting her 6th month there...We miss her but are thankful that she is afforded this opportunity of the experience of a lifetime...Hugs To Cienna...OWAV:)
"It's mornin time, I waked up" A quote from Cienna, as a two year old. I can see her now, sitting on the stairway, peeking at me through the railing, having just woke up and started downstairs. With hair standing on end, a lilt in her voice and a smile on her face she was ready for another day in Joseph, with Oma and Papa. We have been blessed with her visits for almost thirteen years now. Her parents have been very generous, since she was "a wee one", letting her come stay with us. She loved coming here, spending one to three weeks at a time. Never showing any signs of being homesick, but was always ready to go home when the time came. Now as she approaches the teen years, we will probably have less or shorter visits as her schedule changes and her activities increase. We will accept and savor whatever time we get.
Cienna with a smile and a roasted marshmallow
Ci on a mountain top in Thailand.
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