Thursday, April 30, 2015


Spring in Wallowa County is always a mystery...What will tomorrow bring...So far this year we have a head start on spring, about a month earlier than "normal."..Usually one big question is will any flowers be in bloom for Memorial Day?..This year instead of hoping that the lilacs and peonies will be in bloom, (they will probably be done,) I think we will wonder if the iris, lupine and columbine might be ready...Our days seem to be hot for a few days then back to cold and breezy, not much in between.

Tuesday of this week was warm and sunny, yesterday cold...I started out thinking it was warm enough to trim the grape vine...I soon froze out and returned to the house to mix bread and a small batch of cinnamon rolls, knowing that having the oven on would warm up the house and would also be a good day for oven fried chicken and baked potatoes for our dinner.

Herb decided to make a dump run, mow Pams lawn and stop at Grain Growers for seed potatoes and alfalfa pellets, while I played in the dough and had dinner on the table when he arrived back home.

Pam had called about noon asking if we wanted a load of wood chips and I said sure...Late afternoon, still no chips, so I left Herb home just in case they showed up and I went to deliver cinnamon rolls...Of course I spent time visiting but made it home before dark...This morning it is cold but with the promise of sunshine and rising temperatures...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Barton Heights

Garlic patch

Cinnamon rolls

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