Friday, May 1, 2015

Sunny/Warm today...34º--71º

Looking forward to a lovely day on Barton Heights...I finished pruning the grape vines yesterday and have a myriad of tasks that I could do this morning...Windows need to be washed, deck cleaned off and wood chips to scatter...Yes, we got a huge pile of wood chips delivered yesterday...Wasn't able to dump them in the spot I wanted but they are handy to the front yard, off of the roadway and not unsightly...So we can take our time spreading them around the flower beds to keep the weeds at bay.

Yesterday we had our last water therapy for April and most everyone signed up for 3 weeks in May...We will have our last session, just before Memorial weekend, and take a break until October...It has been fun meeting new people, renewing old friendships and getting exercise therapy in the process.

The afternoon was spent mostly on the deck, although it was a bit chilly, and I resorted to bundling up to shield me from the cool breeze...I am reading "Still Alice," a novel about early onset Alzheimers...It is interesting, scary and thought provoking...Daylight is burning, I must get busy...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

A quail visited me on the deck yesterday.

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