Thursday, May 21, 2015

Internet, NO Internet...45º

In my last post our internet was off and we were sitting downtown Joseph borrowing wifi, so Herb could download more books and I could do scrabble and write a blog…That was Saturday, May 16th…By 9am that day we were on our way to LaGrande where we attended a Memorial Service for my Sister-in-law, Marlene Ashton…We arrived to take the last parking spot and joined family (nieces and nephews of three generations) renewing old acquaintances and making new ones…In the small social hall, family and friends filled the tables, eating dessert and sharing stories of their connection to Marlene…Many knew her from the years her girls were on the LaGrande swim team and others were bowling friends and friends she made in her long career of cooking at the school, college, fire crews and also through her own catering business…Tables filled with dessert, cheese cakes, red velvet cake, and brownies, made by her girls…It was a fitting tribute to Marlene as she loved to bake and share the bounty with family and friends.

We arrived back home late that afternoon and low and behold the internet was working…Over the next four days it worked and stopped working intermittently, depending on the weather…Sun shining it worked, raining it stopped working…I was able to keep up with scrabble and some texting…Both H and I downloaded books, but I took a break from blogging…It is raining this morning and I’m finally writing a blog in “Word” and will copy and paste it into “Oma with a view” when the internet connects again…The EONI repair man will be here today and hopefully we will have a permanent fix!

It is amazing what I can accomplish when the Internet does not work…The upstairs has been dusted, vacuumed and decluttered…Even the downstairs has some of the dust, cobwebs and clutter removed…I made it to water therapy and garden club on Tuesday and managed to get outside during sun breaks for a bit of deadheading as well…Today is our last WT until October and we will celebrate with lunch at the “Range Rider.”…Hugs To All…OWAV:)

Japanese Maple

The last surprise tulips

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