Had a surprise package in our yard yesterday morning, I'm thinking it is bear scat...A pile of digested apples and berries...I immediately picked the gala apples that I've left to ripen, so the bear wouldn't climb the tree and break branches while eating our apples...Will be extra careful about going outside after dark until he goes into hibernation mode.
I start back to water therapy today and will continue all winter, twice a week until May...A good exercise program as well as social activity for the long winter and the nice part is freedom of structure, no bylaws, no offices to fill, no meetings to attend.
Herb is again working on the wood pile, repairing fences and getting things in shape for winter...Cloudy here today with a slight chance of rain...Hugs to All...OWAV:)
Pile of Bear Poop
Mountain sunset
Through the trees
Reflected in the kitchen window
Apparently bears don't poop in the woods! =)