Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Mental Labor...43º

Write Women continue to struggle with simple guidelines for acceptance into the group...Two years ago we went through this same process, and today we ended up almost exactly where we were two years ago...Wasting much energy on futility...I find this totally draining, frustrating and maddening...It should be simple...Like it or not, we need a path that gives us structure and continuity and to stop knit-picking it to death.

Moving on Pat and I attended a lovely pizza/salad luncheon for Josephy Center Volunteers, put on by staff members...Gwen, the new docent coordinator was introduced and everyone had a chance to voice concerns, as well as the joys of the center.

For the last event of the day, P and I joined 6 other members of the Garden Club for an exchange of ideas about gardening...Books were reccomended for educating ourselves or for our reading pleasure...Ideas were shared and discussed for different gardening techniques...On a beautiful fall day we enjoyed refreshments and took a tour of the backyard garden...Many beautiful flowers blooming in a very small space...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

1 comment:

  1. I think you should start your own branch. Call it "People Who Write" and make it inclusive of anyone who want to write, share and give constructive feedback. Just because some of the "Write Women" have been "published" doesn't mean they are the know all, end all. You need a group that isn't adding stress to your life. This is suppose to be fun! Sorry, my two cents.
