I worked at the Joseph City Library for over a year and had also started working at the Joseph City Office, posting payments in huge ledger accounts, a couple of mornings a week...The Library and City Office was in the same building so it was easy to coordinate the two jobs...The extra money really helped with our new responsibilities of owning a home and I liked working with Mildred in the city office...Mildred was an old timer in the community, friendly and fun, she had a poodle dog that "resided" under her desk, greeted customers and snored...
Mildred was a chain smoker, always had a cigarette smoldering on her desk...I can't imagine working in that atmosphere today but back then it was the norm...People smoked everywhere and anywhere...I grew up with my Dads unfiltered camels, ashtrays on the table, by his chair in the living room and even tried smoking a "butt' or two...I married a smoker and lived with it for years in our own home...It was just the way of life and we didn't realize the unhealthy side of it for many years...Our kids played a big part in getting Herb to quit, (many times,) only to start up again with, just that one cigarette...Until he finally put it all behind him.
My days at the Library and City Office seemed to be numbered, a job at the school cafeteria was opening up...I never turned down an opportunity to fill in and also to go on the special birthday event, when I got to bake enough cake for about 300 kids...I felt like I fit in with the kitchen crew but wasn't sure if I could handle making 40 loaves of bread or 300 rolls on any given day...I was excited about working in the school kitchen but scared as well and in the days I had worked washing hugh pots and pans in the giant size sinks, all went well, but was I ready to tackle the big, scary dishwashing machine?...Hugs To All...OWAV:)
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