Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Growth Spurt...28º/partial clouds

The seven years that I spent doing all the baking at Joseph Schools, flew by...Not only for me but for the kids as well...Bobbi worked hard in journalism, doing everything possible on the annual yearbooks to commemorate her high school years...Learning all about taking and developing photos in the schools darkroom, layout and publishing at the Chieftain (newspaper) in Enterprise...She was a member of honor society and worked summers at the Matterhorn Swiss Village at Wallowa Lake...Graduated and moved on to Linn Benton community college and finally to Oregon State University in Corvallis, majoring in Photo-Journalism...Rusty also graduated after 4 years of doing everything he could besides studying, such as hunting, rebuilding cars and working at the Wallowa Lake Tramway, where he started out "catching cars," loading and unloading tourists for the trip up the mountain...He ended that job as chief mechanic, keeping the cable and sheaves greased and running..As a freshman in HS he took up downhill skiing, so after graduation he made a logical move to Bend, OR and the big hill Mt Bachelor, where he landed a job in lift maintenance and skied in his spare time.

Those first years in the kitchen were spent mastering the art of baking, and along with that learning everything possible about how all of the equipment worked and what the other kitchen jobs entailed...Margaret freely shared her knowledge with me and I suppose "groomed" me to take her place...Whenever she was gone I got a taste of what it would be like to manage people, meet with sales people to order supplies and food on a weekly basis, planning menus, as well as working with administration and the school schedule and how we might have to adjust our routine to accommodate ballgames, field trips, school closures...

Margaret was first my boss, then my mentor and later my friend...I had never had problems getting along with people and things seemed to go along okay in the kitchen but I had never worked this close with a boss before...I was enjoying what I was doing but still feeling my way...Hugs To All...OWAV:


  1. Oregon State University is in Corvallis, the other one is in Eugene. =)
