It seems that nostalgia about family outings riding a bobsled, pulled by a team of horses, picking the perfect tree, got in the way of my Christmas spirit, as I spent the day remembering...Other celebrations with grandparents and our then young children, hunting for the illusive perfect tree, Santa was visited, presents wrapped, secrets kept...There was sledding on "saucers" over bumpy terrain with just enough snow, listening for reindeer on the roof and shouts of "Merry Christmas Everyone" echoed in dreams...Soon these little ones turned into teenagers, we still looked for a tree, filled stockings not with nuts and candy but funny gifts, all in the spirit of giving...The spirit of Christmas changed as we celebrated with Margarita glasses, toasting to many more years...And then we became the grandparents, Christmas again had the excitement of wonder, surprise, Rudolph, Santa decked out in a red suit, flying around the world bringing gifts to all good children.
Snow on the ground, counting down the days, looks like I better start making a list or maybe just get busy and at least make a couple of batches of candy, some chex mix, check out the local shops for stocking stuffers and put on some Christmas music...Hugs To All...OWAV:)
The year of the little tree
A shirt sleeve snowy Christmas
Presents Galore
Thanksmas Turkey
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