Thursday, November 10, 2016

More Adventure...37º

Sunday November 6th, clocks turned back, we spent a leisurely morning before packing a lunch, stopping at the Albertson's store for water and snacks...(Our checker was a girl who grew up in Enterprise and her parents owned a grocery store there, small world)...Our destination, 30 miles from McCall was Burgdorf Hot Springs (history)...Official site (up to date info)...A paved road except for the last mile or two allowed us to enjoy the breath taking scenery, around Payette Lakes...Just beyond Burgdorf is the old gold mining town of Warren...Please click on these sites to get more info!

The temperature outside was in the high 50's, sun was shining...We checked in at the office, talked with the friendly lady, (who had a sister in Wallowa County) and in no time at all we were soaking in water with a constant temperature of 97º....Heaven must be like this!..We bobbed around on swim noodles for the next 1 1/2 hours, sitting on the steps occasionally to cool off, before we toweled off, and ate our lunch...Pam and Linda walked around the grounds, checking out the rustic cabins (wood heat, gas lantern and out houses nearby.) Then it was back in the pool for another soak before we finally called it a day, got back into McCall where we met our host and treated him to dinner at one of the many restaurants in McCall.

On our trip home we stopped at Last Chance Hot Springs (unimproved) but decided to save it for another time and our one disappointment of the trip was when we realized that Mundo Hot Springs was closed both Monday and Tuesday...But we found a great little cafe in Cambridge, where we dined on giant sized sandwiches and Udderly Chocolate ice cream, all for a bargain price...A leisurely drive along the reservoirs, glassy smooth water reflecting the hills and autumn colors...It was dark as we dropped into the Wallowa Valley, that we call home....Hugs To All...OWAV:)

The first three photos are of the old cabins surrounding Burgdorf (15 or so of them are rented to overnight guests) open year round and accessible only by snowmobile, skis, snowshoes, in the winter months.

Green house heated by hot water.

Burgdorf Pool 97º

Oxbow reservoir

Glassy waters

Fall foliage

Rock formations

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