Thursday, December 13, 2018


Like "They" say, it is all over but the shouting...We didn't need decorations, just family...It was four days of crazy, while we cooked, ate, drank, played cards and reminisced...Memories of past celebrations with grandparents and friends, sledding parties, presents piled high, the perfect tree or Charlie Brown tree, Christmas on the coast, a margarita Christmas, to name only a few.

For other people it is 12 more days of shopping, wrapping presents, cooking and traveling before Christmas...Herb and I give a big sigh of relief, as the "kids" are all safely back to their own homes and we settle back into our routine...It is quiet and familiar...I'm thinking I might set up the little fake tree today and make another batch of mints, to give as gifts, maybe turn on some Christmas music and take a nap...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

 Photos were the last thing on my mind.

First batch of fondant, creamy melt in your mouth.

Mint fondant dipped in chocolate.

Breakfast frittata, oranges and "Pig Newtons."
Pig Newtons are precooked link sausages
rolled in biscuit dough and baked, 
a new taste treat for all.

Our Parting Shot, left to right
Rusty, Bobi, Cienna, Herb and Idella

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