Thursday, December 6, 2018

Eye Care...7º

About every 4 months, Herb and I make the 150 mile round trip to the ophthalmologist in La Grande...Our hope is that with regular check ups we can keep our eyes as healthy as possible!..Next trip will be mid March, and we avoid the worst of the winter roads...I took photos as we left town yesterday of our snow covered mountains and frosty trees.

One of the views from our house.

A closer look at Ruby Peak

Hurricane Creek road, tree heavy with frost.

Sunrise behind us 7:30am

We had an uneventful trip, did a little shopping and had "pattie melts" for our dinner...Arrived back home about 3pm, just as the sun was going behind Chief Joseph Mountain...Our eyes checked out  okay, but some tests that are done we don't get the results for many days...Keep our fingers crossed.

I thought about getting on my soap box about the unexpected "Holiday" yesterday but will keep it short...A National Day of Mourning was declared for former president George Bush...Why, I asked, should we close down every government office, many state offices, disrupt the postal service to mourn a former president...If people care so much, they can take a day off work to "mourn."...I have to wonder how much it cost to give all of the government employees a day off,?..But then maybe I really don't want to know...OUR tax money at work, Grrrr

On a brighter note, it is above 0º and the sun is shining...Hugs To All OWAV:)

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