After a year with 3 emergency room visits, (2 for me, 1 for Herb) new drugs added to our daily total, added pounds to my body, some changes probably need to be made...Herb can eat the sweets and still loose weight, but not me...But sweets show up on blood tests as borderline diabetic, for both of us, and we get the admonition to cut out sugar and simple carbs!
Since I'm the cook in the family, most of the
blame responsibility falls on me...Problem is, I love making/baking all things with white flour and sugar...Pure Poison!...Who in their right mind likes to clean, slice, chop and package raw vegetables or for that matter, snack on them?..Not us!
Over the years, we have made positive changes to our diets...Smaller plates are used for all meals, we eat a good breakfast and our main meal mid afternoon, with maybe a snack before bedtime...Herb loves ice cream for an evening snack but is good about policing himself and has cut down on the amount and eats it only occasionally...As for me, I always seem to be looking for something to eat, I raid the fridge, pantry, cellar, freezer, I love leftovers and I taste and snack on whatever I'm cooking, sometimes even raw veggies...I wonder if "duck tape" over my mouth is the only answer!
As all of you know, I have (we, Herb is along for the ride, as I do the cooking) been on the Chip program/vegan diet and Whole 30 program (almost an opposite of Chip) and as with any "program," for me they work at first but without lasting results, I fall back into my old habits...So I want to be healthy in "old age," but cooking and eating brings me great joy, denying myself brings frustration!
I don't make new years resolutions, usually, but so far this year I'm saying no to sugar, except in emergency situations, such as staying awake on the drive home from La Grande and an occasional Chai Tea...I have hid the Halloween Dove chocolate (I bought it at an insane price after Halloween) and also the home made delectable Christmas mints...I'm banking on my "old age memory" that I have forgotten where they are hidden...Hugs To All...OWAV:)
PS...Herbs MRI came back with positive results, no specialist appointments and no more tests...Don't know what caused it?