Yesterday morning was foggy and cold, with a half inch of snow covering the ground and old snow, I wanted some fresh air and exercise...I bundled up, swept the walks, stairs and the deck...Actually it wasn't that cold outside and by the time I finished it was starting to sprinkle and I was very warm and feeling better.
Back in the house, breakfast eaten, shower taken I decided it was a good day for some baking, that always makes me feel better...A few days ago, I had cleaned out the fridge freezer and uncovered several packages of frozen bananas...Yes, those bananas that are two ripe to eat but make, oh so good, banana bread...Soon the house was filled with wonderful aromas of freshly baked goodies...Banana bread was cooling on the counter.
As two people can only eat so much banana bread, (especially when they are not supposed to have sugar) I wrapped warm loaves in parchment and was soon visiting with old friends, Carol and Joyce, from my "lunch room" days...We all promised that we would keep in touch more often, especially on these foggy winter days.
It was late afternoon before I arrived back home, luckily leftovers was on the menu for dinner and the extra loaves were wrapped and frozen, maybe for gifting on another day...Hugs to All...OWAV:)
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