Thursday, January 24, 2019

Homemade Tamales...31º

The first tamales I ever tasted were from a can...My Dad occasionally got tired of our meat and potatoes diet and asked Mom if she would fix tamales for supper...I remember tamales packed upright and tight in a can...Mom would heat them up for supper and Dad would savor every bite...One taste for me was enough, and I ate whatever else was offered for supper, probably bread and milk.

Tamales have never been a staple in our diet, but over the years, I have purchased them, frozen, from Costco and from local people via an ad on Face Book, but the best tamales ever, we bought on a spring trip through New Mexico, several years ago.

The sign said, "Tamales For Sale." Herb turned the car around and stopped next to a roadside stand next to the sign...I didn't know what to expect, so I asked the man, "Are the tamales fresh?" Pointing to an older lady, behind him, he said, "My Mama, she make them this morning." I paid for a dozen tamales...The package he handed me was tightly wrapped and warm...Glancing around I saw bags of fresh picked oranges, so I bought a bag...Back in the car we continued our journey, planning to arrive at my sister's house in Oklahoma by night fall...Right now it was lunch time and we started looking for a place to eat, not a cafe in sight, and the smell of tamales filled the car...Herb pulled onto a wide spot in the road, and we were soon sitting on the back bumper of the Subaru, eating delicious, warm tamales and succulent oranges...That was one yummy lunch!

About a year ago I tried my hand at making tamales, it is a time consuming and messy job, but they were good...So last Sunday, I was ready to make another batch, which I doubled...I decided to make them long and skinny, like the ones in New Mexico...Mine turned out flat instead of round but they tasted very good...Some we ate with homemade salsa on top and some with homemade chili...I'm thinking about making another batch with enough to freeze, so we can have tamales, when we get tired of eating meat and potatoes...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

PS...Next batch I will make shorter and fatter like the ones we buy.

Ready to wrap up.

Wrapped in parchment, almost a foot long.

Steamed for 2 1/2 hours

Covered with chili, salsa and sour cream.

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