Our patty pans and zucchini have flourished and we have enough to share...I think they will slow down now as the nights are cooling...The vacant bed (after the garlic harvest) has been layered with chopped leaves, stalks from the comfrey plants, squash leaves, straw and manure...Now it has been soaked with water and a little rain, more will be added later, then all is left to decompose over the winter and ready for planting next spring.
The "fruits" of our labor appeared on our dinner table yesterday...Potato salad, (I robbed new potatoes) patty pan squash, stuffed with leftover chicken strips and topped with cheese, and fresh pulled carrots and onions all roasted, in the oven, on a cool Sunday afternoon...It has been a very good week...
A doe and her two fawns have made themselves at home in our yard, eating petunias on the deck, autumn joy, day lilies and clematis from the flower beds...We are left with shasta daisies, coreopsis, golden rod, cone flowers and bee balm...I guess we are sharing flowers as well as veggies...Hugs To All...OWAV:)
Blooms in the yard.
Butterfly on the cone flowers.
Find the butterfly?
Volunteer dill and poppies, fading fast.
Yucca plant that only blooms
every few years.
Garden dinner.
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