Monday, August 19, 2019

That Peaceful Feeling...47º

Some 46 years ago, after living in the high desert country of Duchesne, Utah, for 7 years, the Forest Service moved us to Joseph, Oregon...I was in heaven, back to the same kind of country that I grew up in, in McCall, Idaho...One of the first places Herb took me was to the upper Imnaha River, where the yellow pines tower above everything else, grass grows lush and green and the Imnaha River, runs free and clear...Over the years, we tent camped there with our kids and later, Cienna joined us in our 5th wheel...Playing in the river, building the evening campfire, roasting wieners and smor's are now all memories but the peaceful feeling of that place is still very real.

The huckleberries had been calling for a few weeks now and Pam and I were ready for a day of idle chatter, recalling memories of grandchildren, hobo dinners, lazy creeks, yellow pines and the sound of huckleberries hitting the bottom of our picking jugs...Richard fixed us breakfast before we set off for the HB patch of the day...Some 7 hours later, we had survived the buzzing wasps, and assorted other "biting bugs," many berries picked, our picnic lunch eaten, and our voices now quiet, we left the yellow pines, knowing they will be there another day...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Beautiful Berries.

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