Friday, March 27, 2020


After a couple of snowy days, then clouds and now finally the sun is shining again...Our 3 inches of snow was wet and heavy...Good thing about it was that it melted in place and went into the ground, giving all gardens and lawn a good watering.

One good thing for us has come out of COVID-19, we think...Herb has had a pending appointment, in Bend, OR, 325 miles away from Joseph, for the last several months...We have been biding our time for better roads/weather, to make that trip...Now with the COVID-19, Dr. Bell (a neurologist) is only doing "tele-med-visits."...For us that means, we can sit in our own home, zoom him up via computer and discuss Herb's medical problems... Our hope is that he can give us some incite into what is going on in Herbs brain at this time, (something i've been trying to figure out for the last 60 years, with very little luck)...Really i'm just kidding, but we have to see the humor in things, at this time...So come Monday morning we will do the "tele-visit."

On the flip side of COVID-19, we are mostly staying home, using sanitary precautions, taking daily walks, maybe we will haul some more wood and trying to retain our sanity, (not much of that left) and keep a positive outlook!..Sending all our love and Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Garlic is up

Crocus almost in bloom

A few daffodils 

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