Sunday, March 15, 2020

Sibling Rivalry...30º

While I'm writing and copying stories from long ago, life on Barton Heights is typical for the end of winter/ early spring...Sunny and warm one day, two inches of snow and cold the next...Herb and I have taken advantage of the warm days and the track at Joseph Charter School...The track has been at the school for at least 20 years, it is rubberized and easy on the legs, plus it has a beautiful view of the mountains...It gets us out of the house and moving...Our life hasn't changed because of the Corona Virus and so far I continue to go to water therapy and the grocery store and Herb has acupuncture appointments twice a month...Otherwise we are homebodies and hope to stay well!

Come Tuesday that will change, when Bobi and Cienna arrive from Portland and Rusty comes from Bend...Cienna will have taken her finals on line and won't have classes again until early April...For a few days our house will be a hive of activity, with our usual cooking, eating, card playing and general craziness.

Back to October 1950, the wedding plans are moving on and also a big move is in the future, but a destination, has yet to be found...My sister Mona has not taken well to either of these ideas...She is a new teenager and exerting her independence...As I remember it, she and Marlene are quite leary of each other, each looking for common ground...Mona is also struggling with moving...As an eighth grader she has her friends from first grade until now and looks forward to highschool with old friends, not starting over as she approaches highschool...Our lives and household are in turmoil.

Mona was almost six years old when I was born and the apple of Daddies eye, she was not happy to share him with me...Of course I wasn't aware of this and grew up thinking everything was rosy...Mona was bossy and I did her bidding, such as "Della, will you get me a drink of water, or Della, bring me my shoes," and a myriad of other things...I've said that I was her slave for many years...She disagrees with that...Sibling rivalry at it best...I was the tagalong little sister and Mom insisted she include me in her more "grownup life."..To her, I was like a flea on a dog and she couldn't get rid of me...Hugs To All...OWAV:)

Mona a new teenager.

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