Sunday, April 5, 2020

Hoarding, Conflicting, what to believe...35º

As most of you know, Herb and I haven't had a working television for many years...So we don't watch daily news stations from CNN or FOX, but we can get info from these stations on our wifi connection or from Facebook and a "tamer version" from OPB...We can filter more of what we watch...You can call it burying your head in the sand or I prefer, "keeping some form of normalcy and keeping ones' sanity."

Where we sit here on Barton Heights, secluded from the rest of the world, just like we were from 911 or tornadoes in the south or other world disasters, it is hard to fathom what the rest of the world is going through...And feelings of guilt bubble to the surface.

We have heard/read of the hoarding, listened to the conflicting stories about when Covid 19 would hit the US, how bad it will be and how long it will last?..Will we run out of medicine, facemasks, gloves, gowns, respirators, hospital beds...Will social distancing help slow/stop the spread?..Will closing all schools and businesses sink our world into a recession/depression like none that has been experienced before?..No one knows the answers to these questions and all the speculation, in the world, will not change the outcome...So we wait it out, we follow what seems to be the right path now and we stay secluded in our little bubble, protecting ourselves and protecting others from us!...

It has been a relativly short time since we cut ourselves off from the rest of the world and the "air hugs and kisses" are already growing old...Do we yearn for the feeling of arms around us, in a bear hug, will we appreciate those, when a more "normal life" resumes?..Will we be more appreciative of the little things in life, instead of always wanting more material things, will we be satisfied with a more simple life, give more of ourselves instead of asking for more?... We can only HOPE....Hugs To All...OWAV:) spring "Hope" springs eternal...The garlic doesn't let the snow stop it from growing and the daffodils still bloom.

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