Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Spring day at its best...44º

If someone had told me a few years ago that I would enjoy having needles "stuck" in my arms, legs, neck, back, etc, I would have said, "No way!"...Herb and I both look forward to our regular appointments at Eagle Cap Wellness...Jamie and her staff have made the best of Covid-19 as they keep to the strict sanitation guidelines and social distancing , but still make patients feel welcome and safe...The hour flies by and we leave the office renewed and ready for a new day.

It is a lovely day for a drive so we take a side trip to the head of Wallowa Lake, about 6 miles from our house...It is a scenic trip on any day of the year, but this time of year, with the mountains still covered in snow is especially beautiful.

At the foot of Wallowa Lake

Half way to the head of the lake.

A birds eye view of the lake.

At the head of the lake, we took another little side trip to a cabin, where our friends', Pat and Brian made their home for several years...The lighting on the photos I took was terrible, so I won't display those here...The following photos were taken in 2013 at the cabin...Many happy memories were made there...Hugs to All...OWAV:)

Photo from 2013  Amy, Idella, Pat

Apple Wood West

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