I hugged Rusty as I pushed him out the door at 6AM, wishing him safe travels, and promptly crawled back into bed with a book, coffee and bonbons...A lazy day for me...Just kidding!
I am going to finish my coffee as I write but will save the bonbons for later and it is doubtful that I will take a nap...Rusty is helping John, pack supplies into the high lakes for a group of Sierra Club members, who will work, clearing trails for the next 6 days...Not sure Rusty will help pack them out, as he has a 40th (not possible) class reunion this coming weekend...Will he stick it out at the reunion or join John for another trip into the Eagle Cap Wilderness?
Our family never got into hiking or horseback riding, when we were a young family...We had a boat, so spent most weekends either on Wallowa Lake or the Snake River, camping with Grampa Allen...Can only do so many things.
Anyway, Rusty in the 40 years he lived in Bend he has worked and traveled most of the US, (building ski lifts) worked in China retrofitting IKEA warehouses, visited Austria, Thailand and Vietnam...NOW he is back in Wallowa County and finally getting to see the amazing sites at home.
We have a busy week ahead, garlic to pull and hang to dry, more wood hauling, splitting, stacking...(mostly Rusty chores) while I am have balance class, acupuncture, grocery shopping, cooking, and watering lawn and garden...Hugs To All...OWAV:)