I went to sleep last night to sounds of the Chief Joseph Days rodeo, just a few blocks from our house...Remembering back, many years ago when a carnival also came to town, set up by the grade school and we could see the ferris wheel, off in the distance, from our front window and hear the screams of the kids as they rode the "tilt a wheel" and the "hammer." CJD's used to be the big event of the summer, now we have events every weekend, as our county caters to the tourist...We are lucky to live close to town but on the edge and out of the craziness.
Rusty has been keeping busy getting wood, before the woods close because of fire danger...While he is gone for the day I try to keep things watered so the garden will keep producing...My latest project is making "Cherry Cordial." Nang King bush cherries from our neighbor, sugar and vodka, mixed together in a mason jar, stored away for about 4 months, then brought out to enjoy during the holidays...Hugs To All...OWAV:)
Sounds yummy and oh so civilized :)