Our day on the Imnaha river with friends was a great getaway, for Rusty and I...We rested up on Sunday and left early Monday morning on the 90 mile trip to Lewiston/Clarkston and shopping at Winco, Home Depot and Costco...We both enjoy the ride over the winding road, first down Bufford grade to the Grande Ronde river then up Rattlesnake grade, with many corners before topping out at Anatone and down another grade into Asotin...Some people we know hate this road and especially the ones that get car sick.
Shopping and Buying went well, dinner at the Mystic Cafe was a bit disappointing, (cold french fries) but otherwise okay.
Yesterday we celebrated the 4th doing cleaning, laundry, yard work, and enjoying the freedom of living in this Country, even though I think our government is in a helluva mess!
Our garden is producing, we have so enjoyed the fresh strawberries, and now we have scallions, radishes, arugula and coming up next will be creamed peas and potatoes...I have a hard time finding people who like garlic scapes, so I chopped them up in the cuisinart and froze them to use on roasted tomatoes later this summer...Hugs To All...OVAV:)
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